The knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.
Who is PixFuture?
PixFuture provides the most powerful and fully optimized digital advertising and publishing platform for advertisers and publishers. PixFuture’s platform combines over 200 premium |
Prebid requirements for pixfuture adapter
Requirements for Prebid integration 1. Minimum required version for Prebid.js: 7.20.0+ 2. Allow pixfuture to sync iframe (recommended) or image. 3. Activate user sync if deactivated. This is |
Who should use PixFuture?
Website or Mobile application owners who are looking to profit from advertising on their site/application, but do not wish to be bothered with extra work involved in recruiting advertisers |
I'm an international publisher, can I join?
Yes, you can join the publishers program if you are an international publisher. Earned revenue will be paid in USD. Need more information? Please contact support or your personal account mana... |
What payment options do you offer?
PixFuture supports PayPal and bank wire transfers. Payments are made automatically in a first business week of the month on a Net60 days after the current month's end. Minimum payment term: Paypal $50... |
Do you accept non-English traffic?
Yes. Our ads use geo-targeting. This is a method of determining the location of a web visitor and delivering relevant language content to visitors. |
What ad sizes can I use with PixFuture?
For websites: 300x250, 160x600, 728x90. For mobile: Smartphone sizes - 320x50, 300x50, and 300x250, Tablet sizes - 728x90, 300x250, and 160x600. |
How can I make more money and increase my CPM?
Check essential tips for detailed information on how you can reach better results working with PixFuture. For websites: 300x250, 160x600, 728x90. For mobile: Smartphone sizes - 320x50, 300x50... |
I have forgotten my password. What should I do?
Click on the link "Forgot your password?" and provide your email address associated with your account. Otherwise, contact your personal account manager to reset the password. Need more inform... |
How many ad tags (banners) am I allowed to place per page?
Every publisher is allowed to place no more than four ad tags (banners) per page but no more than two banners with same size. For example, two ads 300x250 and one 728x90. The page may not c |
Can I use same ad tags on more than one domain?
Every publisher is allowed to place no more than four ad tags (banners) per page but no more than two banners with same size. For example, two ads 300x250 and one 728x90. The page may not contain an e... |
Can I use same ad tags on more than one domain?
No, you are allowed to use ad tags only on approved and registered domains. If you have more than one domain and wish to use PixFuture ad tags on them, please contact your account manager or P... |
How do I use PixFuture ad tags in Google DFP?
A short macro should be inserted into PixFuture Javascript/Iframe ad tags to properly serve ads via Google DFP. You need to modify ad tags by adding %%CACHEBUSTER%% instead of INSERT_RANDOM_NU... |
How do I post a banner on my website?
Copy an iframe or javascript ad tag code and paste on your web pages. Make sure to add tag code on domain you have registered. If you have other domains, please contact your account manager to add the... |
When Asynchronous or iFrame ad tags should be used?
To avoid problems with transparency and efficiency in monetization, PixFuture Asynchronous or iFrame ad tags should be used only by implementing ads directly into website page. Asynchronous or iFrame... |
What ad tags should be used in DFP or 3rd party ad server?
For maximum transparency and efficiency in monetization when delivering ads thru DFP or any 3rd party ad server, publisher shall use Javascript Synchronous tag that is available under Inventory&n... |
Ads displaying at the bottom of the page on site
Javascript Synchronous tags may have conflict with certain Javascript codes on page and result in displaying ads at the bottom of the page instead of placement where Javascript code has been implement... |
Asynchronous tags in PixFuture SSP
Users can now export Asynchronous tags directly from PixFuture UI by selecting tag type as ‘Javascript Asynchronous’ under Inventory. You may find more information here how to i... |
What is viewability?
Viewability is an online advertising metric that aims to track only impressions that can actually be seen by users. For example, if an ad is loaded at the bottom of a webpage but a user doesn&rsq... |
When Asynchronous or iFrame ad tags should be used?
To avoid problems with transparency and efficiency in monetization, PixFuture Asynchronous or iFrame ad tags should be used only by implementing ads directly into website page (hardcoded). Asynchrono... |
How to make 728x90 ad responsive on mobile devices?
In the modern web, visitors view website through many different types of devices: desktops, laptops, netbooks, TVs, tablets, smartphones, etc. This means there |
How to create responsive ads.
Responsive Ads: Create responsive ads is essential for user experience and performance factors. However it can also cause viewability issues if not been implemented correctly. |
PixFuture Support For Ads.txt
IAB Tech Lab has now finalized Ads.txt Specification version 1.0. As part of a broader effort to eliminate the ability to profit from counterfeit inventory in the open digital advertising ecosystem, ... |
How to implement tags via WordPress
How to implement tags via Word Press? Here is an easy instruction: |
Reporting redirect/popup ads
PC/MAC (Desktop): Chrome |
How to hardcode VAST tag in ROKU channel app
We made this documentation to explain how Roku publisher can integrate several demand partners in |
PixFuture Partners Badge program
To join the PixFuture Partners program, you have to place a badge in the footer of your website. |
PixFuture Consent Manager Notice
PixFuture welcomes privacy laws that protect consumers. We’re building the feature to help publishers manage their compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EEA and Ca... |
PixFuture System Status
We have created a system page together with 3rd party uptime service provider to show you the status of our services. You may access uptime information by going to |
PixFuture First-Party Data Solution
PixFuture First-Party Data Solution |
How to add demand partner VAST/VPAID tags in GoStory player
You may add your own VAST/VPAID ad tags to the player. In order to include your own demand to compete along with pixfuture AuctionX, follow the steps below: 1. Log-in to your profile; 2. Select "Inv... |
Ad Tag Issues with Cloudflare's Rocket Loader and Brotli Settings
When Rocket Loader or Brotli is enabled in Cloudflare, it may interfere with the proper loading and execution of ad tags. Rocket Loader is designed to optimize the loading of scripts, while Brotli is ... |
How to Add Banner Ad Tags into GAM?
This guide provides detailed instructions on how to integrate banner ad tags for various sizes into Google Ad Manager, ensuring the highest priority delivery. Step 1: Log in to Google Ad Manager ... |
PixFuture Prebid Integration
To download the PixFuture adapter, please visit and select PixFuture bidder from the list along with other bidders you want to use. Important! You can only use... |
How to Disable Safe Frame for Creatives in Google Ad Manager for Ad Tags
Safe Frames in Google Ad Manager can sometimes interfere with the proper monetization of PixFuture ad tags. When Safe Frame is enabled, it can prevent the system from accurately tracking your domain, ... |
How to Change the ADSLOT Macro in Your PixFuture Ad Tag
Introduction: The ADSLOT macro in your PixFuture ad tag is a placeholder that helps identify specific ad placements on your website. Modifying this macro allows you to customize and manage your ad i... |